Friday 29 April 2016

Revision Do's and Don'ts


So...exams are right around the corner and I am sure that that you are acing revision, unless you are like me, being super lazy thinking "I will do it when the clock hits 6:00" or "I will do it tonight because there is ages for the exam." Guess what, if you're in uni, there is no time! And if you're doing something else then maybe you have a bit of time and you're still lucky.
This list is not the typical, make notes, do this, do that... These are other things involved in the whole process that I have learnt from people like my parents or my favourite Youtuber.


1. Keep any distractions away.
For example, phones (the worst one) or any other objects in front of you that do not let you focus to revise. Chances are that you will get distracted and will start to procrastinate and start using your phone to check Instagram, tweet about how much your life sucks and what not.

2. Have someone around you when revising.
When I mean someone I don't mean friends! (unless they help you to work hard and if so then keep them with you). I mean someone that you are kind of scared if you don't revise. Main people are your parents. It works for me because if I am around my mum, she will make sure I am revising for the exam since obviously they want us to do well.

3. Make small To Do lists and Timetables.
Don't make it too perfect please. That's a waste of time. This to ensure you are doing work bit by bit everyday and not leaving everything till the night before. This will help you with the next point...

4. Break down your work and be realistic about it.
You know you can't do everything at the same time. At the end you panic and give up revision. How many times did we say "It's okay I'll manage it at the end"? I said it millions of times and never learnt from my stupid mistake of NEVER LEAVE IT TILL THE END!!!

5. Speak out loud about your plan.
This tip is from my fave Youtuber and thank you to her for this tip because it helps a lot. Talk to yourself out loud and tell yourself what you are going to do and what you will accomplish. Trust me it helps. E.g. "Right now, I am going to chuck my phone away (to my bed) and I am going to start this lecture and will only get up when I am done with one whole lecture".


1. Study in bed.
This tip is by my dad and he is right. He says that bed is for sleeping and resting. A clean table and chair is to study. When you are in bed revising, you get comfortable and fall asleep, forget studying.

2. Have snacks around.
Again, it will distract you and you're whole focus will go into eating the snacks. Just make sure you had something before starting to study because no one learns anything with an empty stomach. But have some water, you need to be hydrated.

3. Listen to music with lyrics.
Your focus will divert to the lyrics and will be unable to learn anything from your revision, as you are already struggling to focus. If you do want to listen to something then listen to music without lyrics. you will be able to find these on YouTube or Spotify, both free.

3. Moan about work load and shortage of time.
"There is so much to do", "There is no time left", "I don't get time during the day to revise". Please, just don't. It does not help. In fact, it wastes time and kills motivation.

4. Read everything in the textbook.
Use your subject specification or lecture PowerPoint slides to help you as a guide or what to read and not read. Also pick out the key information from the paragraph, not every single useless detail that you may not need right now.

These tips work for me most of the time so it may or may not work for you. What tips do you have for revision. Let me know!

I hope it helps you and you enjoyed it!

Yours, Nafiza

Monday 25 April 2016

Strawberry Crisp White Chocolate Brownies

Hey there!

The recipe I am about to share is not the typical chocolate brownie with a ton of butter and sugar, which makes it unhealthy. This is almost the same brownie recipe, but with my own touch for those people who are not fan of the classic chocolate brownie. I would say this recipe is semi-healthy and you will see why in the ingredients. This is my version according to my taste but feel free to experiment with any kind of chocolate (psst. try Nutella) or other ingredients like nuts or dried fruits. The brownie itself is quite moist because of the coconut oil and chewy.

Serving: 10-15 approx.

You will need:

175g Strawberry Crisp White Chocolate (this one is from Lidl)
150g 100% Pure Cooking Coconut Oil
3 Eggs
220g Sugar (you can add more or less according to your liking)
75g Plain flour
40g Full Fat Milk Powder


1. In a double boiler, melt the white chocolate and coconut oil together. Once fully melted, let the mixture cool.

2. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat the eggs and sugar together until smooth and well incorporated.

3. Carefully pour the melted chocolate-oil mixture into the egg-sugar mixture and beat them together until smooth and well incorporated.

4. Sift the flour and milk powder into the wet mixture and fold them together until well incorporated.

5. Preheat your over to 150° Celsius (302° Fahrenheit).

6. Line a 9 inch cake pan with baking paper. Pour the mixture into the lined cake pan. Make sure there are no air bubbles in the mixture. Lightly stir the mixture with a toothpick to release the air bubbles.

7. Place in the mid-lower area of the oven to make sure the top does not burn. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until it is firm and the toothpick comes clean when dipped in brownie to check.

8. Let it cool and serve

This is how mine turned out

I hope you try the recipe and perhaps experiment to make your own recipe.

Yours, Nafiza

Saturday 23 April 2016

Who am I...?


Welcome to my blog. I am Nafiza (as you can see at the top XD ). This is a short introductory post to my blog and my future posts.

I won't have a theme for my blog. It will mostly contain things I am passionate about. Personal experiences, struggles, advice, passions such as makeup, baking, etc.

More about me....
I am a university student, doing Pharmacology (end of 1st year). I am Bengali by ethnicity but Spanish by birth. As mentioned above, I have a strong passion for baking and make up, even though I am neither an expert of either, nor own a lot of tools required for baking or a lot of makeup as other enthusiasts. However, this does not mean I am less passionate than others in those fields. I will share things I have learnt from personal experience or from other people I look up to.

I hope you enjoy my future posts!

Yours, Nafiza

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